Want the Sale? Ask for It in Your Facebook Ads.

According to Small Biz Trends, only 39 percent of small businesses get a return on their investment in an online platform. But, when asked if they track monetary results, only 14 percent could. Anyway you count it, the majority of businesses not seeing financial returns on Facebook.

But, there is good news.

By making a few small tweaks to your Facebook marketing, you can dramatically improve your results. You can attract better leads to your business and turn them into profitable sales.

Ask any sales expert worth a grain of salt and they will agree that the number one way to make a sale is to ask for it. Yet, so many Facebook posts and advertisements don’t ask. Then, the businesses responsible for those ads wonder why they don’t see a return on investment. It is as though they believe that “if we post it, they will come.”

But they don’t. They won’t.

Don’t fall victim to this mistake. Ensure you are always giving a time-sensitive call to action that includes a reason why your prospects should act now. Doing so will increase your audience engagement, drive more traffic to your website and result in more profitable sales.

And, in case you are worried that your target market will not respond well to to this type of marketing . . .

The inclusion of calls to action into…