Why Facebook has a Big Problem
Have we reached peak social?

Is our love affair with the shiny new toy ebbing?

There are some warning signs.

Facebook has just seen a 24% drop in average time spent on site.

That’s not a blip.

It is a big warning sign.

An iceberg.

Our obsession

I spend a lot of time on social media.

It’s become a micro-habit.

And that is not unusual for about 3 billion of us.

We upload photos on our travels, reveal corners and moments of our daily lives to friends and family.

We play with Snapchat and create virtual noses and ears.

And we keep logging in.


A lot of the design of the social platforms is created around building addiction.

Mobile phone alerts are part of that.

I don’t about you but I have switched them all off. I don’t need a reminder to waste time.

I can do “that” all by myself.

It’s all about business

But for me social media is also an integral part of my business.

I use it to share content. That includes blog posts, insights and 280 word tweets.

I use social media to drive traffic and awareness.

But my love affair with Facebook started fading around 2013 when it started removing the distribution it had been giving away for free.

It took away almost all organic reach.

It’s become the the Grinch that stole Xmas.

Just for the money.

It became all about business.

Even friends I used to see in the stream have been banished to the Siberian…