How One Outdoor E-Tailer Is Making Waves With UGC

“We had a lot of customers just giving us their content on social media, but there wasn't a hub for it,” Trent Lootens, digital marketing manager, ACK, said. “It was all sporadic,…

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Getting More from Your Original Research: A #CMWorld Chat with Michele Linn

Consider these two statistics: 37% of surveyed B2B content marketers say their organization uses research reports for content marketing purposes. [CMI 2018] Nine out of 10…

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6 Reasons Why Snapchat Is Content Marketing’s Not-So-Secret Weapon

So how can content marketers use this to their advantage? It’s popular with teens There’s no question that Snapchat is a key social platform for marketers who are specifically…

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Want Better Results? Ask Better Questions. Here’s How

We had to adjust the calendar, but we’ve got Tim set to teach us his low-pressure but effective techniques for sales. We’ll host the workshop (it’s free) on Tuesday, June 26 at…

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Why Digital Marketers Should Be More Like Personal Shoppers

I'd been shopping at the same department store for 10 years. You have a digital relationship with your customers. But are you creating digital experiences that communicate how…

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CMWorld Interview: Peter Krmpotic on Optimizing the Content Supply Chain

Content personalization is no longer a dream that marketers have for leveling up engagement with their audience, it’s become an essential combo for winning the content marketing…

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How to Use Facebook Ads to Distribute Your Content

Ask yourself, who is this content for? You should: Make its run time less than 90 seconds (as short as needed to get across the main point) Keep it simple Include actionable…

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Video: How to Create Content Your Audience Actually Cares About

Whenever I’m sitting on content marketing panels—usually perched on a tall stool, terrified that I’ll get too excited and fall—I almost always get the same question: What’s the…

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How To Dominate Content Marketing With Machine Learning Tools

With so much information do you often find yourself asking these questions with your marketing tools? By using machine learning tools, you will be able to easily shift your…

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4 Social Media Misconceptions Hurting Your Company

Overvaluing vanity metrics It’s easy to see likes as the currency for social media value and popularity. On my personal social accounts, I certainly get excited when my tweets and…

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