Chatbots continue to remain as the most prominent industry buzzword for some time now. Chatbots are credited to have the natural capacity to carry out a conversation with humans in a logical manner. Marketers use Chatbots to bring automation into their digital marketing and communication. Thanks to Chatbots, regular customer service, and support systems also got a huge boost as Chatbots with their conversational capability can now answer most of the customer queries.

Some new technologies like the Natural Language Processing (NLP) have further enriched the Chatbot capability in carrying out a conversation with humans. By utilizing NLP Chatbots, marketers can reap a lot of advantages. When it comes to content marketing, NLP helps Chatbots to cater to different linguistic preferences, habits, and customs to make the conversation more lively and user-centric. Before we explain the role and use of NLP Chatbots for content marketing, let us have a brief look at the reasons behind Chatbot uses.

Key Reasons to Use Chatbots

You no longer need to wait to make one or several phone calls for communicating with people on different issues. You can use messenger apps and reach out to a broader audience instantly while preparing a simple message. Audiences also spend hours every day on messenger apps, and they visit these apps more frequently than ever before. This is why content marketers, instead of making a social media post and waiting to see the reactions, now prefer reaching out to people through chat and messenger apps instantly.

With the increasing popularity and credibility of these messenger and chat apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Snapchat, brands are eager to reach out to their audience instantly with content than just making so-called social media posts. This shift in trend from social media marketing to chat app marketing made automated messaging so popular. This is primarily the reason why all major chat and messaging apps embraced intelligent Chatbots for content marketing.

Since keeping awake and responsive for customer communication all the time is challenging, Chatbots with their instant and automated ability to communicate customers became so popular. Today Chatbot communication on messaging and chat apps takes care of sending brand messages, promotions, offers, and customer queries.

Real-Life Examples of Chatbots for Content Marketing

Besides so-called customer service tasks, many bands are using Chatbots for real-time content marketing or for catering to the needs of on-demand content. From content marketers to mobile app development companies to eCommerce brands, all can be benefited from content marketing through Chatbots. Let’s have a look at some of the latest examples.

Sephora: This beauty retailer brand communicates with Kik chatbot. The Chatbot makes a quiz for knowing customer preferences and characteristics, and based upon this offers personalized tips for beauty care and product recommendations.

Tommy Hilfiger: This high-value fashion brand now uses a Facebook Messenger bot that can guide users to make choices from the Gigi collection besides showing products and replying to as many as 7000 queries.

Whole Foods: Whole Foods uses an innovative Facebook Messenger chatbot that allows users to search for their preferred food by using food emojis. Besides for specific terms that are represented by no emojis, customers can use text as well.

Using NLP based Chatbots for Content Marketing

Getting insights about the consumers through their social and message reactions can help marketers to cater to the target audience better with more effective messages. To assess the more profound meaning and intent of the consumers from their written or spoken statements, now we have a more intelligent technology in place. We call it Natural Language Processing (NLP). NLP, in more ways than one, helps marketers personalizing the contents as per the user’s intents and preferences.

Besides tracking the movement of the user across different product pages, websites and web pages and contents, monitoring the statements of the users in different communication channels and search boxes can help marketers get an overall view of the customer preferences and leanings. The product or content marketers always need to understand the customer intents more precisely and accurately to serve them with product recommendations and contents that they look for.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) in that respect can play a significant role in making marketers understand the customer logic behind every statement and search term. The interpretation of customer intent based on a historical overview of customer communication can also play a significant role in understanding customer preferences and intent more specifically.

Strategic Things to Remember for Implementing NLP Chatbots

Now that the importance of NLP Chatbots has been explained in detail, we need to spare a few words on the strategic aspects for implementing NLP based Chatbots for content marketing. Let us have a look at various aspects.

A Well Laid Out Content Strategy

First of all, you need a particular and well-versed content strategy for engaging your customers with Chatbot’s conversation. For example, if you want the Chatbot to replace the FAQ section of your website with all the queries answered by Chatbots in a more conversational manner, figure out the questions and answers you want to cover.

Use Voice Chatbot

To make your Chatbot more human, you can also give it voice. You should give a catchy name if you’re Chatbot and build a personality that goes well with your brand. This helps encourage more friendly communication with customers.

Come up with a catchy welcome message

To garner more user responses, phrase a great welcome message that sounds compelling and set proper expectations.


Chatbots seem to be the unavoidable component in the marketing mix of any business brand. How well you can incorporate Chatbot conversation and how well you can interpret customer statements with intuitive technologies like NLP will prove crucial for content marketing success.

Author Bio
Nathan McKinley is a Business Development Manager at Cerdonis Technologies LLC – chatbot development company in Chicago – mobile app development company in Chicago, USA developing Chatbots which has flawless functionality and diluted usability for better User Experience. After spending years in the Marketing field as a Business Developer he has developed skills set to write on technologies updates which provide real values to aspirants of respective field and solve the query of theme with his writings.