The Next Addition to Your Marketing Department Should Be a Chatbot

There’s no doubt chatbots are forever changing the way businesses operate and the way that marketers approach marketing. Not only do these virtual assistants have the ability to impact almost all aspects of a company, they’re also great customer service tools that can provide assistance around the clock.

However, chatbots aren’t just customer support or a self-service option; these AI-powered assistants can improve an organization’s productivity by providing help to different departments like human resources, marketing, production, and sales.

A chatbot in itself is a new channel and a new way to communicate. You have to think about a new user interface and conversational commerce.

Implementing a chatbot into your company can have an incredibly positive impact on your sales and marketing department. In addition to helping your employees close more sales, chatbots can take on some of their responsibilities and automate certain processes that allow them to focus on other activities.

Chatbots are a valuable resource which can boost your overall sales and conversion metrics, yet implementing them into your strategy may not always be straightforward. Because of this, I’ve created an article to help you understand how chatbots can help increase your conversion rates and the overall profitability of your company.

The Power of AI-Powered Virtual Assistants

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the technology responsible for the widespread and popularization of chatbots. AI-powered virtual assistants are dedicated pieces of software that implement machine learning and natural language processing to communicate with users.

Chatbots have the ability to communicate with individuals by using natural language, so they can participate in cohesive dialogues and fulfill requests based on these conversations. For example, if I wanted to learn more about a company’s values, I could simply reach out to their chatbot, ask questions about the topics that interest me, and receive the answers directly through the virtual assistant.

Although chatbots have traditionally required coding knowledge or huge budgets, thanks to platforms, you can now create AI-powered bots without any coding knowledge whatsoever.

One thing you always need to keep in mind is your bot’s functionality. Users prefer a basic chatbot with limited features that work rather than a complex assistant with glitchy features. I suggest you start off by creating a basic bot and slowly introduce new features as it learns new skills so it can grow at the same rate as your company.

Increasing Sales Conversion Through Chatbots

Chatbots are amazing sales tools that can influence your conversion and closing rates. AI-powered virtual…