Consumers and audience participants are now creating more openly accessible data than ever before.
With data becoming the new gold and asset class, the impact the new era of data abundance is having on the world is undeniable. All of the world’s most valuable companies are heavily reliant on data to fuel their ability to compete, understand users’ behaviors to develop products, and market to their addressable audience.
In a world where nearly everything is quantified, communicating insights from that data becomes a massive opportunity. This is where data storytelling comes in. In simple terms, it’s the difference between simply making a chart, and actually explaining what it means, why it’s important, and how it fits into the broader context. This style of data-driven communication is cropping up everywhere, from newsrooms to corporate communications and omni-channel marketing.

Brian Petterson
Lead audience developer, manager. Passionate about all things digital media, marketing, social marketing, content marketing, and innovation. My passion is adventure.